There is a game is a game you can play to help your sneaking and hiding skills. I made this game up, it is called the spy game. Make sure you play this game at night. One person as the gaurd walks around the house. Another person is the spy he or she tries to stay out of the gaurds way. Hint when you are the spy try staying in the shadoes. When you do it will be harder for the gaurd to see. If you stay in the shadoes near light then it will be almost imposiple for the gaurd to see. The gaurd has to walk at any pace but can not jog or run. He can not stop anless he see's or hears anything. If so he can pause and look around him but if he doesn't see anything he will have to keep on moving. If he does see somthing then he will fire his gun at what he see's.
The gole for the spy is to not be seen and take out the gaurd. When the spy has his gole the gaurd and the spy will swich. Do this untill you master both parts.
The gole for the spy is to not be seen and take out the gaurd. When the spy has his gole the gaurd and the spy will swich. Do this untill you master both parts.